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Explore the States 阿拉斯加
Photo of Port Harris with boat
位於馬姆斯伯裡港(Port Malmesbury)出海口的哈利斯港(Port Harri)

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喬治(Marilyn Jordan George):跟隨著阿拉斯加的夢想

您搭過船嗎?您能想像住在船上的生活嗎?1946年時,瑪莉琳佛林克(Marilyn Frink)離開她位於愛荷華州的農村的家,嫁給一位美國海軍退伍軍人--喬登「船長」( Wilhelm "Skip" Jordan),他後來成為阿拉斯加東南部 的一位漁民。瑪莉琳佛林克及她的老公住在一艘釣魚船上,育有四個小孩;婚後成為瑪莉琳喬登喬治(Marilyn Jordan George)的佛林克是一位作家,阿拉斯加的荒野生活提供了她許多寫作的題材。

她將他們的生活點滴出書,書名叫做「跟隨著阿拉斯加的夢想:我的鮭魚拖釣冒險經歷」(Following the Alaskan Dream: My Salmon Trolling Adventures in the Last Frontier)。瑪莉琳喬治在書中描述,發生在她生活中的重大改變,從一個原本 生長於中西部,以玉米為主食的農村女孩,到後來成為住在船上的人,面對海上生活的艱鉅挑戰;想想看兩種生活的差異,一個是擁有開闊空間的愛荷華州,一個是空間狹窄的船上生活。在他們的早年生活中,喬治的四個小孩總是身穿救生衣,而當瑪莉琳看顧她的孩子時,她的丈夫就沿著阿拉斯加海岸拖釣(一種釣魚方式)鮭魚。


Have you ever been on a boat? Can you imagine living on one? In 1946 Marilyn Frink left her home in the Iowa farm country to marry Wilhelm "Skip" Jordan, a U.S. Navy veteran who became a fisherman in southeast Alaska. She and her husband lived on a fishing boat and raised four children. Marilyn Jordan George was a writer, and her decision to move to the Alaskan wilderness provided a lot of material for her to write about.

She wrote a book about their lives called Following the Alaskan Dream: My Salmon Trolling Adventures in the Last Frontier. Marilyn George described the drastic change in her life -- going from a corn-fed Midwestern upbringing to the rough challenges of frontier living on a boat. Imagine how different the wide-open spaces of Iowa are from the confining space of a boat. During their early years, the four George children always wore life preservers. While Mrs. George looked after the children, her husband trolled (a kind of fishing) the coast of Alaska for salmon.

In addition to writing the book about her family life, Mrs. George had a successful journalism career writing articles for many Alaska magazines.

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