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Meet Amazing Americans 作家藝術家 馬克吐溫 (Mark Twain)
Mark Twain, America's best humorist illustration

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除了寫文章及著書外,馬克吐溫也在公開的演講場合中,藉著講述他在旅遊中的所見所聞,使聽眾很高興。人們也急著想知道那些充滿異國風味的國土民情,如:桑威奇群島 (現為夏威夷州群島) 、埃及及聖地。吐溫常將演講所得費用拿來進行更多的冒險。另外,座無虛席的演講會也讓人們注意到他的出版作品。曾有一段時期,參加演講會是極為風行的娛樂活動,所以聽眾對演講者的期望很高,而吐溫總是能讓聽眾盡興而歸。

In addition to writing articles and books, Mark Twain delighted audiences with his public lectures about the far-flung locations he visited on his travels. People were eager to learn about his trips to then-exotic places, such as the Sandwich Islands (now Hawaii), Egypt and the Holy Land. Twain often used the fees he earned with his lectures to pay for additional adventures. His well-attended performances also served to bring attention to his published work. At a time when the public lecture was a very popular form of entertainment, and audiences' expectations ran high, Twain never failed to amuse.

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