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Meet Amazing Americans 作家藝術家 桃樂絲蘭格 (Dorothea Lange)
'Dorothea Lange's famous photograph, 'Migrant Mother'
「移民的母親」 (
Migrant Mother)

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桃樂絲蘭格最著名且最廣為人知的作品是「移民的母親」 (Migrant Mother) ;1936年,蘭格拍攝了一名在加州聖巴巴拉市附近的尼波摩郡 (Nipomo) 碗豆農場上工作的婦女;這位寡婦來自俄克拉荷馬州,育有七個小孩,只能靠著吃田野上撿來的冷凍碗豆及小孩抓到的小鳥度日 。這幅影像成為一幅象徵,它代表了大蕭條所帶來的的苦難。舊金山時報登出了這張照片並為這位婦女的居住營區帶來救助。您猜這位移民母親多老了?

Dorothea Lange's most famous photograph is commonly known as the "Migrant Mother." In 1936, Lange photographed a woman from Oklahoma who worked in the pea fields of Nipomo, California, near Santa Barbara. The woman was a widow with seven children, who survived by eating frozen peas from the fields and birds her children caught. This image became a symbol for the suffering caused by the Depression. It was published in the San Francisco News and led to relief for the camp where the woman lived. How old do you think the woman in the photo was?

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