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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 傑弗遜 (Thomas Jefferson)
View of completed Jefferson Building, between 1910 and 1930.
傑弗遜大樓 (Jefferson Building) 的全景

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國會圖書館的藏書都集中放置在國會大廈的議會閱覽室,但1871時。當時的國會圖書館館長史邦福(Ainsworth Rand Spofford) 建議另外興建一棟建築物來當做圖書館。1886年時,國會批准這項計劃。史邦福想要「在圖書館的中心興建一間圓屋頂閱覽室,而閱覽室寬敞的周圍則留給各部門。」當它落成時,它是世上最大且造價最高的圖書館建築。1980年,這棟建築物重新命名為湯瑪斯傑弗遜大樓以紀念這位用自身藏書來幫助圖書館重建的人。您可以猜想得到,這會讓傑弗遜非常的高興。

The Library collection was kept in the Congressional Reading Room in the Capitol, but in 1871 the Librarian of Congress at the time, Ainsworth Rand Spofford, suggested that they construct a separate building for the Library. In 1886, Congress approved the project. Spofford wanted a "domed reading room at the Library's center, surrounded by ample space for the Library's various departments." When it was finished, it was the largest and costliest library building in the world. In 1980, the building was renamed the Thomas Jefferson Building in honor of the man whose personal collection helped rebuild the Library. You can imagine that this would have made Jefferson very happy.

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