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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 傑弗遜 (Thomas Jefferson)
Engraving of Jefferson placing the Declaration before the Continental Congress as Benjamin Franklin and John Hancock look on
傑弗遜將獨立宣言放在大陸議會(Continental Congress) 面前

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1787年完成的憲法才是這塊土地的法律,它 描繪我們政府的形式並說明我們可以創立何種的法律。而獨立宣言像是我們追求的理想。您知道大陸議會 (Continental Congress) 還有那幾位委員會成員嗎?這幅畫中,將獨立宣言放在桌上的高大的男子就是傑弗遜,而富蘭克林則坐在他的右方;另外一位坐在桌子後方的男子則為約翰漢考克(John Hancock)。您覺得傑弗遜年老時對獨立宣言有什麼感想?

The Constitution, which wasn't written until 1787, outlines our form of government and explains what kinds of laws we can make. The Declaration is more about the ideals of our country. Do you know who some of the other committee members of the Continental Congress were? In this painting, Jefferson is the tall man placing the Declaration on the table. Benjamin Franklin sits to his right, and John Hancock sits behind the table. How do you think Jefferson felt about the Declaration at the end of his life?

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