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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 馬丁范布倫 (Martin Van Buren)

1840年 於俄亥俄州的參選門票 1840 election ticket for Ohio
1840年 於俄亥俄州的參選門票 1840 election ticket for Ohio

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范布倫與政治 Van Buren and Politics


范布倫決定幫助佩姬,正足以證明他對於傑克森個人感受的敏銳度有多高,也因為其他的閣員都排斥佩姬伊頓、傑克森決定改以「廚房內閣」(kitchen cabinet)這個非官方顧問團,作為提供建議的來源,其中當然也包含了范布倫在內。


President Andrew Jackson never forgot or forgave the pain his dead wife, Rachel, had suffered when people accused her of having married him before her divorce from her first husband was final. Jackson was determined that Peggy Eaton should not suffer as Rachel had.

Van Buren's decision to support Peggy Eaton demonstrated his sensitivity to Jackson's feelings. And so when the rest of his Cabinet rejected Peggy Eaton, Jackson decided to rely instead on a "kitchen cabinet," an informal group of advisers that included Van Buren.

Van Buren helped Jackson by resigning his official Cabinet position in 1831. Jackson then asked the rest of his Cabinet to resign, replacing them with supporters. And he made Van Buren his vice presidential running mate in 1832. When Jackson won a second term, it soon became clear that he wanted Van Buren to succeed him as president.

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