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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 班傑明富蘭克林 (Benjamin Franklin)
富蘭克林風箏實驗的畫像 A drawing of Franklin's kite experiment
富蘭克林風箏實驗的畫像 A drawing of Franklin's kite experiment

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班傑明富蘭克林與電 Benjamin Franklin and Electricity


富蘭克林將自己對電力的看法寫成信寄給幾位住在倫敦的科學家,他們認為這些信件的內容相當有價值,所以在1751年他們將這些資訊放在「電力的實驗與發現」(Experiments and Observations on Electricity)這本小冊子中出版。


His idea was about electricity and lightning. Franklin noticed several similarities between the two: They both created light, made loud crashes when they exploded, were attracted to metal, had a particular smell, and more. Based on these observations, Franklin thought electricity and lightning were the same thing. A few people shared his belief, but no one had ever tested it.

Franklin wrote up his thoughts on electricity in several letters to a fellow scientist who lived in London. This scientist and other scientists in London thought Franklin's letters contained valuable information, so in 1751 they published them in a little book, Experiments and Observations on Electricity.

One of the letters contained Franklin's plan for how to prove that electricity and lightning were the same. His plan required something tall, like a hill or a tall building, but Philadelphia had neither at the time. While Franklin was waiting for a tall building to be built, he came up with another plan. This one involved a key and a kite.

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