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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 布萊安 (William Jennings Bryan)
William Jennings Bryan, full-length portrait, seated at desk, facing left


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即使在民主黨內已不再活躍,布萊安的努力仍有著深遠的影響。他相信以政府的力量來改正錯誤、伸張正義、並確保全體美國國民的權利,而這些理念都在羅斯福 (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) 的新政中落實。這個計劃幫助美國從1929年股市崩盤的大蕭條中重新站起來。你能想起還有誰和布萊安有著類似的理念嗎? 而他們的成就又是什麼呢?

Bryan's efforts had a lasting influence, even after he was no longer active in the Democratic Party. His belief in the power of the government to right wrongs and injustices and to guarantee the rights of all Americans is seen in programs like Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal initiatives. This program helped lift the country out of the Great Depression that followed the stock market crash of 1929. Can you think of other Americans whose beliefs were similar to Bryan's? What are some of their achievements?

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