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Meet Amazing Americans 企業家事業創辦者 安德魯卡內基 (Andrew Carnegie)
Boy sweeper working in a cotton mill in Evansville, Indiana

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雖然安德魯卡內基後來成為百萬富翁,但他並不是一開始就怎麼有錢的。他於1835年出生在一間位於蘇格蘭丹弗姆林 (Dunfermline) 的勞工階級的家庭中,三年後,他的家庭移民美國並定居在賓夕法尼亞州的匹茲堡。當卡內基13歲大時,他在一家紡織工廠內找到了他的第一份工作,每個禮拜的薪資所得是$1.20。您的第一份工作始於幾歲?然後他在一家工廠內,找到一份負責照管蒸汽引擎的工作。您猜猜看,這份工作付他多少錢?

Although Andrew Carnegie became a millionaire, he did not start life as one. He was born in 1835 into a working-class family in Dunfermline, Scotland. Three years later his family immigrated to the United States and settled in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. When Carnegie was 13 he got his first job in a textile mill earning $1.20 a week. How old were you when you got your first job? He then took a job in a factory tending the steam engine. Can you guess how much he was paid for that job?

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