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Meet Amazing Americans 企業家事業創辦者 安德魯卡內基 (Andrew Carnegie)
Poster for an 1900 play showing a poor father and his son

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幫助那些比自己貧窮的人,即是安德魯從他父親身上學到的價值觀。卡內基的爸爸威爾卡內基 (Will Carnegie) 在蘇格蘭時,是英國勞工階級運動的一份子。這個運動旨在為勞工爭取較佳的工作環境。威爾卡內基是一個織布工,但當他無法在美國找到工作時,他曾試著自己生產及販售布料。他在安德魯20歲時去世,享年51歲。他過世後,安德魯就成為家中負責負擔生計的人。在這種情況下,您認為卡內基會自母親處承襲何種價值觀?

All kids learn from their parents. And, as a child, Andrew Carnegie learned values from both of his parents. But their values were very different and often in conflict.

From his father, Andrew learned the value of helping those who are less fortunate. Carnegie's father, Will Carnegie, was part of a British working class movement in Scotland, which believed in making conditions better for the working man. Will Carnegie was a weaver but when he was unable to find work in America he tried to produce and sell his own cloth. He died at the age of 51 when Andrew was 20 years old and the only breadwinner for the family. Given these circumstances, what kind of values do you think Carnegie learned from his mother?

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