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Meet Amazing Americans 社會運動家與改革家 馬丁路德金恩 (Martin Luther King Jr.)
超過三萬人的抗議民眾在遊行後抵達阿拉巴馬州首府蒙哥馬利郡。 More than 30,000 demonstrators reached the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama.
超過三萬人的抗議民眾在遊行後抵達阿拉巴馬州首府蒙哥馬利郡。 More than 30,000 demonstrators reached the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama.

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以投票創造改變 Voting for Change

1965年3月7日,數百名遊行者從州議會大廈出發(金恩未能同行),在遊行者抵達賽爾碼市外圍的愛德蒙配特司橋(Edmund Pettus Bridge)時,州警出面制止他們繼續前進,但遊行民眾以和平的方式拒絕回頭,且遵循金恩的指示以無暴力的方式堅持下去。


On March 7, 1965, hundreds of marchers set out for the capitol building (King was not able to be with them). When the marchers reached Selma's Edmund Pettus Bridge, they met a group of state troopers who told them to turn back. The marchers refused, but, as King would have wanted, there was no violence on their part.

Instead, they knelt on the sidewalk. The state troopers were not so peaceful. They used tear gas, sticks, and whips to attack the marchers. People all over the country were horrified.

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