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Meet Amazing Americans 社會運動家與改革家 珍亞當斯 (Jane Addams)
Cartoon 'The Strangest of Infatuations,' 1918(?).

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珍亞當斯是一位和平促進者,即使她因她的觀點而飽受批評;她在國內和國外透過教學、著作及演講來宣導和平。一次大戰前,亞當斯可能是最受美國民眾喜愛的女性,一家報社曾舉行票選「誰對當今社會的貢獻最有價值?」珍亞當斯排名第二,第一名為湯瑪斯愛迪生 (Thomas Edison:另一位「會見傳奇人物」) ;然而,當她反對美國涉入第一次世界大戰時,報紙主編稱呼她為叛國者及傻瓜,但她從未改變她的心意。您曾否堅信某件大部分人都認為是錯的事呢?

Jane Addams was a peacemaker even when she was criticized for her views. She taught, wrote, and lectured about peace both nationally and internationally. Before World War I, Addams was probably the most beloved woman in America. In a newspaper poll that asked, "Who among our contemporaries are of the most value to the community?" Jane Addams was second, after Thomas Edison (another "Amazing American"). When she opposed America's involvement in World War I, however, newspaper editors called her a traitor and a fool, but she never changed her mind. Have you ever believed you were right about something when most people thought you were wrong?

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